what we did today...

By SarnieV

A snowdrop!

At last I found a snowdrop under our beech hedge, it’s looking a bit lonely...
A took the boys to Peebles to race in the Borders XC. I was feeling too poorly to stand around in the cold, and too fed up with not being able to run at all to go watch the rest of the club have a nice run in the sun. I did sit in the garden to read my book and spotted this lovely little snowdrop tho.
Boys had a nice race, tho C says it wasn’t as good as normal as he’s not feeling great. A didn’t run as had no one to look after the boys.
A shifted a compost bin for me today, such a glamorous job! He managed to poke himself in the eye with a branch when shifting stuff - looks v sore :-/ - he’ll be off to the opticians tomorrow.
D had a play round at his friends house and C watched star wars episode V.
Hoping I feel ok enough for my sports massage tomorrow - also hoping it works miracles!

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