
Off to the post office bright and early with the finished mittens. Only not so bright - as I waited in the queue I looked for my wallet - not there! I had taken it out to get a cheque that needed paying in, and although the completed slip and cheque went in my bag the wallet did not! Spo back home to retrieve it! Heading back I got stuck at the traffic lights and watched as the postman retrieved the letters from the post box and headed back to the post office. Damn I'm going to miss the post I thought! Luckily he had lots of big grey postal bags to get into his van and my parcel made it!
Next stop my own village to deliver the mash for the hens to a fellow member who has a landrover and can safely drive down the muddy track! She was working in Bear Necessities, our local shop on wheels! It's in a huge converted lorry/van and is parked in the village car park. For a brief while it was in front of someone's house as some "concerned local" reported her for not having the right license and it became illegal for her to trade. All a mix up on the advice she had received from the council and once the right license was obtained back she came to the carpark. You should have seen the outrage from all the other locals on her Facebook page! As our village shop went bankrupt her van was the only place selling provisions, and she had set it up in response to that fact.
 The van was busy with customers and it was quite disconcerting to feel the van rocking with their movements! As I waited I took this photo with the bear mascot! I then had a good chat with the coop member - Amy is also following her as she leaves the plot - we reckon she is looking for extra treats and cuddles after being home with me for so long! We thought she might appreciate some mealworms which quite bamboozled the woman behind us as she had thought we were talking about a cat or a dog!
All missions accomplished I headed home to do some more of my art journal. Great fun using acrylics!  A good day!

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