When shall we five...?

Back to London, today, for a record breakingly short meeting with a prospective client. Not that the meeting went badly but the introduction was being made by my brother's business partner and I think they just wanted to see me. We shook hands, had just enough time for me to finish my coffee while we chatted amicably, and that was that. 

But as it happened, there was another meeting that I could go to. Do you remember the guy who flew from Vancouver to meet me? Well, today, he and his business partner were in London to meet with the Irish contingent of this project (which I realise I'm being irritatingly mysterious about, sorry). As the Canadians are coming up to me on Thursday, I hadn't worried about getting to London for this meeting but now I was here, so it would have been rude not to. 

So I walked across to Maroush on Beauchamp Place for our inaugural meet up; all five of us in the same place at the same time. Happily, it turned out that the chemistry between us was good and the food was excellent. We celebrated with shots of Arak, which I haven't drunk since the porter of Ranking Hall let me and Ash try some of his in about 1987. 

I'm glad I made the effort.

-13.2 kgs
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Reading: 'Tin Man'

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