The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Mystery Snorer

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was listening to music today at work. It drives me crazy whenever I can’t make out a line in a song. I ALWAYS have to look up the lyrics. I am not someone who fills in the blanks with my own made up lines. It’s so much easier now that the information is just a quick google search away. As a teenager, I used to eagerly await each edition of ‘Smash Hits’ in the hope that I would like the songs that had the lyrics printed. All I needed was a cylindrical object (to sing into FFS) and I was happily lost in my own version of Stars In Their Eyes.

Youngest Mini Princess used to make up words all the time. I reminded her of this the other day. She was about 3 or 4 and was pottering about singing ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’ when she came out with the line ‘Whitus Nightus snores’.

After a bit of investigation, it turned out the line in question should have been ‘Its fleece was white as snow’

Not sure who Whitus Nightus is. Or if he snores.


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