The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Who Disturbs My Slumber

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went to see Darkest Hour at the cinema today. I really liked it and I’m now back to googling World War II. I amused myself by showing the Mini Princesses a picture of Gary Oldman after the film. The shock of realising that it was the same actor who played Sirius Black in Harry Potter!

It was FREEZING today. The kind of cold that makes you want to cry about having to go outside. I had arranged to meet The Womble for a drink in the evening and I really didn’t want to go, but felt it would be rude to cancel on the basis of weather. It ended up being a nice evening. It made me poke my nose out of my cave and have to be sociable. The Womble is very good company and entertained me with a story about his friend Keith who decided to get into his neighbours new hot tub at a BBQ they were hosting. Unfortunately for the other people in the hot tub, he had had a couple of lemonades too many and decided that this would be best experienced naked. In the panic that ensued, he put his foot through the bottom of the hot tub, cut his foot and then wandered through the hosts’ house dripping blood over their white carpets.

Needless to say, he is no longer welcome at that neighbour’s house.


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