The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Never Outwith

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I love school holidays. No routine. No time pressures.

I was reflecting after our phone chat this morning O’H dear as I was with you on Friday Jenny, that a quiet mood never lasts long with either of you! Before I know it, I am rambling on about nonsense and laughing. I am always in a happy bubble after our conversations. Spending time with my people always feels invigorating and gives me a ready brek glow. It’s probably why I have less tolerance for social occasions where I have a sense of ‘outwith’ and feel slightly drained. So, basically, it’s YOUR fault when I can’t be @rsed socialising. You have RUINED me!

The Mini Princesses and I went for a huge walk this afternoon which was full of chitter chatter, making the usual stop for cheese scones and tea.

Have I mentioned that I love school holidays?


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