The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cooling Down

Dear Givers of Treats,

I have been such a good boy. I spent aaaages entertaining some human puppies I found in the woods on our walk this morning. They were having such a good time throwing my ball and it would have been RUDE to leave them. I helpfully kept bringing it back to them so they could have another go, but The Princess spoiled it by TAKING MY BALL AWAY. I think she was feeling left out. She does need A LOT of attention. She is lucky that I indulge her. I really am the bestest boy.

I forgave her when I saw my new toy on the counter but when I barked and jumped up to get it, all I got was ‘No Murphy, down Murphy.’ She was obviously still sulking.

And then, unbelievably, she moved my toy TO THE FRIDGE.

It’s the biggest kong I have ever seen. She normally fills my kongs with peanut butter. She’ll be able to get a whole jar in this one. Giant kongs even have a special fancy name - butternut squash.

I wonder if I can get the fridge open?


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