Ye Olde Naked Man

Not a lot happening today. I ended up going to bed very late (early) last night after getting caught up reading the journals of rafstar99 and jackie18. What a journey they have had!

Carhie and I decided that we'd go out at 2pm for coffee and cake somewhere, just to get out of the house but stay warm.
We decided to drive to Settle. It's been quite some time since we've been at the Naked man. In fact Cathie said its our 'sick' cafe! Which does seem to be true!!!
Anyway I had my first coffee that I really enjoyed since I've been ill. I've tried a coffee a couple times but each time I haven't been able to drink it!
I love my coffee so much, I find it amusing and somewhat disconcerting when I go off it!!
Today, I decided to ease myself in and have a cappuccino. Mmmm! I really enjoyed it! Ahhh!!!

Well, I still haven't managed to last a day without a sinus headache but it didn't arrive till 5pm today so maybe it's going!

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