Light and air!

Yay! First full day without a headache! Yipee!! :)

Cathie, Marianne and I went into Leeds to meet Eve for lunch after her lectures. First we stopped by Marianne's school for her to pick up a couple things which meant we got to see her classroom. :) It's always interesting looking round other schools and a secondary in particular. There were quite a lot of nice displays up a bit like primary. It kind of surprised me. I don't remember my secondary school having any displays up at all!!
It was a bright and beautiful day. Freezing but as you can see from the photo, sun. :)
We went to Trinity Kitchens for lunch. A bit more than I needed but that was fine. Then a little walk around Trinity (actually not really! Just to the Lego store for Cathie to pick up stuff for her class. Then Boots for nail polish for Eve).
I would really love to have enjoyed the air and light and wandered round a bit more but Eve and Marianne are not wanderers ... so we just headed back to the car and back home!
I was not ready to be home but at least I had a bit of light and air! ....... And no headache! :)

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