
It took me a while to get out today - I felt agitated, maybe the espresso I had, not had coffee in a long while! I had to go to Waitrose as it's the only place I can buy Elderflower cordial! Usual temptations were there and I came back with a lovely red, one portion casserole dish with a lid! I stopped at the garden center in the hope of finding a Witch Hazel - and I did! I fell for one named Aphrodite! The agitation had accompanied me the whole trip and I felt at one point as if everything swayed - most odd. I really wanted to drive straight home, but I had the pellets in the back of the car, and with rain due I knew if I was to drive down the track and not get stuck, today was the day! So with my app telling me not to focus on the anxiety nor let it stop me doing what I wanted, I headed to the allotment.
Well bloody good thing I did as when I got there the hens had not been let out. Then I remembered to my horror that I was supposed to have covered this mornings open! I had completely forgotten! I ran down to them and let them out - they all seemed ok - phew! 
I spent the next few hours digging on my plot - got all the dandelions out of one bed and turned the carpet over on the paths. Always makes the plot seem tidier like making your bed or cutting the grass does for the bedroom and garden! Finally exhausted I headed home.
Looking at the news I found out there had been an earthquake in Wales that had been felt down here - maybe that was why I had experienced shakiness! I also found out dogs and hens seem to anticipate earthquakes - so maybe that was why I felt agitated today! ! It might also explain why I had a manic time later in the evening reorganising my conservatory! Maybe I could also blame it for forgetting I was opening the hens?! 

Couldn't resist these wellies by my next door neighbours front door - something very appealing about childrens wellies! The eggs were from my hens!

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