Growing old disgracefully



Reminded of the poem 'Mindful' by Mary Oliver.

The VIP is off caravanning with his Mum, so the Professor and I are having a quieter than normal Sunday. Walked up our usual hill, where he sat on the bench and I wandered about with my camera. Our neighbour overtook us, striding along with ease in spite of being at least a decade older than the Prof. 'Why are you taking pictures of cows?' he asked. Cows, it seems are too ordinary, too commonplace for our attention. Not these ones (which were actually bullocks). They were flirting with me through the barrier of brambles, fluttering their long eyelashes, snorting through their wet noses and disparaging me by sticking out their enormous tongues. They kept turning their heads into the shade every time I got them in focus, so they missed their chance for posterity in blipworld and you get the daily presentation of a leaf and snail instead.

This morning I got to grips at last with a task I have been putting off for weeks - sorting out the scripts for my audio files in preparation for recording on Friday. I kind of handknitted the home practice CDs last time and they were OK, but time for a revamp, better presentation and getting rid of the glitches.

Glorious afternoon, so I began to tackle more of the autumn tidy up in the garden. Off out tonight to celebrate our elder son's birthday.

The Indian summer - long may it last
Blackbirds singing in the garden
The colour of the acers

Walk up the hill ( and down again - there is no bus)

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