
By sas05


not many will notice ,, a few will.. but not many.. i missed a day on my diary yesterday, nothing sinister,, just deleted the piccies off the camera thinking already downloaded them,, so a flawless year has become less than perfect...i can handle that happens.. had another flawless day yesterday at work, its an very acceptable place to be ... scouting around the horizon i see no icebergs to sink my ship.. seas are dead calm on my journey.. saturday was listening tony blackburn`s top of the pops show from yesteryear,, it was 1981`s turn to be put under musical scrutiny .. heard something on there that i havnt heard from that year to this was a chance meeting on saturday was listening to a cd ,, just thought,, hey just put the radio on for a mo see whats on..and a song came on .. laurie anderson`s o superman... i loved it then.. its a brilliant piece of concept art. for me its bypasses all barriers and goes straight to my core...hard to explain,, it just speaks to me ..but therein are two subjects that make me wonder if on this journey that something somewhere is trying to communicate to me..,, if so not sure what the message is,, that was a chance meeting on saturday and a old friend that i havnt heard from that day to this ,, so thank you Tony Blackburn for that,, I picked up Shamaras guitar for christmas that we won on Ebay .. said i would meet this girl at one of the stores that i was delivering to in bristol.. sure enough,, at 4 pm there she was as arranged, a minor miracle in itself that arrangements were made and honoured, another chance meeting,, she was a petite blond haired squeaky voiced girl.. deal was done..i turned and walked away from what was the briefest pleasant meeting with this girl. Ordinarily you wouldnt give it a second thought.. i do.. i wonder whats going to happen in her life from this point on.. i know our paths will never cross again.. wont ever forget her, shes the girl that i met in a car park that had shamaras guitar,, i know that in years to come we will be in conversation with shamara and recount when and how she came to get that guitar..time goes on..a chance meeting .. music has way of provoking thoughts , well should do if your not dead from thinking ,, i wonder someone somewhere will think of me in years to come after a brief encounter.. and if so ..i wonder what song what will will jog their memory .. for today im sailing away to work.. have a good day peeps ..till tomorrow.

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