Jacket for Ella

Since #2 daughter decided to learn to knit I got inspired and bought wool to make this jacket for Ella. It didn’t take long though the boring part of sewing in ends is still to b3 done. There are to be 2 bobbles on a tie on the front but I think I’ll show Ella how to make them and see how she gets on. I have also made her a beret with the left over colours.

So I didn’t mind being confined to the house while the Beast from the east roars outside. We had a bolt of lightening during one blizzard which was something i’d Not experienced before - the huge crack of thunder appeared immediately, so it was all very close.

We’ve been told tomorrow won’t be any better which is a pest as I was due to go to Ella’s school for World Book Day. I’ll be very disappointed if I can’t go. However Ella has another Granny who lives near a metro so she should be able to go.

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