
A 5 hour wait in Amsterdam passed uneventfully. A woman came with a clipboard doing a questionnaire and was very surprised we’d not availed ourselves of the magnificent shopping opportunities!

Eventually we took off, KLM direct to Chengdu. It was a modern plane we’d not flown in before, so Mr C was very interested. I think they have reduced the size of the seats and the passage space, and of course the chap in front immediately put his seat back, even when food was served. It was a 9+ hour flight, so I enjoyed a couple of films. They had newer ones than Emirates ever have. I enjoyed The Chikdren Act and Bohemian Rhapsody, plus some of Big Little Lies. Managed under an hour dose then it was morning Beijing time.

I didn’t have to get my fingerprints taken this time at immigration - I’m already in their system. Mr C’s bag did not appear so along with a dozen others we queued to fill in the forms. They hope to reunite him with it on Saturday, so just as well we are staying 3 nights here. Horrendous melee to get through the security scanners to get out.

It is very dull and overcast but I can’t tell if that’s the weather or the general fug of pollution. the hotel doesn’t speak English and our map is in Chinese. Mr C has gone off to try to locate a supermarket of shop. There are plenty shops selling lurid cakes, plus McDonalds and Starbucks. He’s also hoping to locate a bus stop to get us somewhere close to the panda area. The hotel is offering a tour for £100 each. That includes being taken to the tat shops. So no. Do pandas appear in the rain?

Trying to stay awake till at least 9pm.

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