Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

What a week!

The week in question started last Monday at I arrived at mums about 11ish (pm), cup of tea and a toasted crumpet. My cousin Lennie (a taxi driver) picked me, my mum and my Aunty Rose up and took is into Liverpool. The reason being the Ark Royal was in and she was sailing on the high tide on Monday afternoon. So at 1.30am the four of us were standing on the dock in the freezing cold viewing the Ark. It's absolutely massive. Aunty Rose was disappointed that there were no sailors on deck, then, she spotted an officer and a sailor so imagine this scenario, my Aunt who is 81, no teeth, over weight, headscarf on shouting and waving to these two sailors "Cooee I'm here". my cousin and I walked away in shame. He then took us on a grand tour of the City, showed us all the gay nightclubs and posh hotels. We eventually got back home at 3.15am. Monday morning up earlish, to the Strand in Bootle which is a rather run down shopping centre, then highlight of the day to the bingo. Had lunch in the bingo (what an exciting life), played bingo, didn't win.

Tuesday took Mum and A. Rose to Cost Co which is the American version of Makro, the picture above is of one of the two air filtration units for the Mersey tunnel, all the exhaust fumes from the tunnel are sucked out through this giant chimney. Spent a couple of fruitless hours wandering round Cost co, then to Asda, more shopping, had a bacon sarnie in their restaurant. Then over to Lidl, more shopping. Cooked a Cumberland Pie on Tuesday night, mince in gravy covered with mashed carrot and swede then mashed potato on top with grated cheese. Did three of these one for A. Rose, one for us and a spare for the freezer, but I used the wrong mince!!! I should have bought the fine mince so that when its cooked it goes to mush, as A. Rose has no teeth so she can't chew anything. Just sucks things to death!!

Wednesday, hospital appointment for Mum to see the specialist, he is recommending that she has the op to repair her broken vertebrae. Then onto Tesco in Warrington, spent 3 hours in Tesco with guess who, A. Rose and Mum, yet more shopping.

Thursday, spent the moring at A. Roses sorting out her huge collection of videos and dvd's, she's finally bitten the bullet and ordered a 37" flat screen tv and a new table to put it on, but her house is so cluttered there is nowhere to put it, hence the sort out, 7 carrier bags of videos to go to the charity shop. Thursday afternoon went to the Strand (again) then to the bingo (tea in the bingo a healthy salad), mum won which was good.

Friday took the two of them to Southport, Morrisons and B&M (more shopping).

Saturday back to Southport, Dunelm Mill and MacDonalds for lunch. Saturday night church (read Sarah's blip). Went out for a meal on Saturday night with mum, my brother and wife, my cousin Edith (who is 73) and her mum who is 95. Aunty Aggie, who is tiny, tucked into the biggest plate of fish and chips I have ever seen and demolished the lot. Rose and I drank two bottles of red wine (David drove), then when we got back to Mums she and Rose started on the Baileys and I finished off the whisky, slept well that night!!

Sunday morning spent swapping old lamp shades for new ones, replacing light bulbs etc. I started packing to come home at 11am, I had to be at the airport for 1pm (made it). On the plane arrived home at 7.30 out for a meal with Roy, who missed me. Up early this morning did a step class at the gym then this afternoon a spinning class. So that was the week that was.

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