Snow day

Well, we woke up to find there was ice on the inside of our windows. If ever you needed to convince me to have modern UPVC windows, this winter has done it.  I once swore blind I could never live in a house with them... sorry single glazing, totally over you, practicality (and warmth) has won the day.  When we finally buy somewhere, I'll be looking for warmth. 

We did get ourselves out today - albeit in our pyjama's!  I rather harshly told the husband that he should take the boys up to Belton and to stop worrying about roads... The compromise was, if the main road in the village was bad, he wouldn't go - he tried to sneak out, but the boys decided they wanted in, so at about 7.30 this morning, we trecked up the road in wellies, pyjama's and coats to see what the score was.  Suffice to say, they didn't go to Belton and I'm a little bit in the dog house for being so harsh.  

We're feeling a little bit couped up, and my Southern Hemisphere husband decreed that the heating should be on all day and the fire alight all day. I didn't argue.  The husband entertained the boys wonderfully this morning and they both had lots of fun making a ball pit from cardboard boxes..... clearly, it was quite exhausting, as the husband also needed a 2 hour nap at nap / tv time! 

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