Great Expectations

I know they have to warn us, but all the hype about Snowmageddon did create some big expectations. Ever the one to get prepared, I bought plenty of wood for the fire and four (yes four) bags of rock salt. The fridge is full of chicken soup, I have enough wine to keep me going until Easter. The only thing I have run out of is chocolate and that may be rather a good thing.

Our three locations: Oxford, Newcastle, and Swansea, were all forecast to have heavy snow from midnight to lunchtime. Swansea is still devoid of snow 24 hours later, yet the University is shut and campus buses are not running, playing havoc with the students' busy social lives and meaning they are walking home in the freezing cold after clubbing tonight rather than bussing it (surely a misjudgement there, UoS?).

Newcastle Uni also shut, although rowing training stops for no blizzard, so Tom's still on the 5.50am starts and desperate for a second balaclava, apparently the first one is in serious need of a wash. From the BBC weather reports I had understood they were knee deep in snow, enduring blizzard conditions. 

The boys wanted to know how much we had here, so I took this picture - "Blimey, that's more than we've got in Newcastle" said Tom. So maybe our 2-3 inches is not insubstantial.

I just walked to the shop. The snow's still white, everything quiet, hardly anyone around and the houses in my neighbourhood look warm and cosy. It's a nice feeling. I hope everyone has a warm place to be tonight.

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