The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Broken Sleep

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went to pick up the Mini Princesses and Murphy from Mary Doll and Victor’s house. Youngest Mini Princess was NOT on good form. She had been very excited about having Murphy sleeping in the room with her but he barked at her and whined at about 2 am and then again at 6 am.

Just before he did a poo on the carpet!

She shouted her plight through to her grandparents. Victor got out of bed and headed down the hall. Thankfully Mary Doll called him back and suggested that in order to prevent further teenage trauma, he might at least consider putting on some underwear.

After operation clean up, poor Murphy had a bit of an upset tummy for a couple of hours but he was fine for the rest of the day.

Unlike my sleep deprived child who did a passable impression of a dementor.


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