Another day, another levada

This one was right up in the mountains. For a small island, summits of 1800m are quite impressive and as a volcanic island they are suitably jagged. 
This levada runs for over 40km, of which we only did a few, Just around the corner on the left it disappeared into a 10km tunnel and we were not tempted to follow.
We did got thorugoh a 600m tunnle elsewhere and ity cam eiout into a totally different world, the laurel forest for which, environmentally, the island is famous. Very lush and alomst tropical.
On down to a local fish restaurant in the evening and a ride down in the restaurant's minibus. We shared it with another couple who lived in Cheltenham, knew very well friends of the family who have stayed in our house in the Hebrides, and it later transpired had been at University with my mother. A small world.

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