Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


It was lovely to see the younger cats out in the sunshine today. Having said that Dylan slept in the spare room all morning so it wasn’t really a case of carpe cat diem ...

I started work at 6.30 am but have been having problems with my eyes. Flashes and blurring. So I got an appointment with Vision Express who ran a full range of tests and then referred me to the local hospital, although they claim they are just being cautious. I came home and did a bit more work after that but my tolerance of a computer screen was by now rather low ...

They had me wait for twenty minutes between dilating my pupils with eye drops and running more tests. Remarkably I fell asleep in the waiting room (actually a row of chairs in a corridor), and kept waking up with a start wondering where the hell I was. Bit of a theme for the day really: not quite with it.

I have ambitions to watch a movie tonight but I might just fall asleep and dream of more spring weather ...

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