Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Wee cousins.

Back to work for me and school for No3...last long lies for the other 2.

Work was the delight I expected it to be...ten minutes in work and I wanted to run screaming from the building. I had an email written and I was tempted to press the send button to tell someone what I really thought....but I had a cup of tea (from the machine..yuck) and I saved it to draft instead.

Made me feel good to see it winking at me all day. The rest of the day was better, sometimes you forget about the great people you work with because they are overshadowed by the numpties.

No such animosity at home..Fee's daughter L came to stay and she is a gorgeous, delightful young lady...always pleasure to have around. No 2 and L get on really buddies. I have a feeling they will always be really close.

My kindle is bulging with great books to read .. I sense some early nights coming!! Still miss the feel of A new paperback...but love carrying 68 books with me in my handbag.

Night night book lovers...!

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