Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Hard times.

The Weegie household is nesting ! (no - I'm not up the duff again - you can all stand at ease!!!) - we're definately going into hibernation. Curtains closed, fire on, TV viewing checked, Kindle loaded..all set for the next 6 months of Scottish artic winter !

I even have a hankering for winter food ! Dinner tonight was very well received by all the little weegies (makes a change) - Stew followed by apple and blackberry crumble.

Don't need to worry about the bikini line now the holiday season is over. I even picked the last 6 apples on our tree after climbing precariously onto the garage roof in my work attire to rescue them. Next door neighbour had a great old laugh at me trying to get back down.

My mum always said that trees loaded with berries were a sure sign of a cold winter...God's way of feeding the little birdies for the hard times ahead.
In that case...better stock up on the driveway grit 'cos the trees beside the botanics were covered in little red berries.

Off to dig out my simmit and itchy balaclava. Now - where are my knitting needles...?

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