
I backblipped yesterday if you care to stop by.

Another busy day. End of the working week for me.

Mr S has tickets for Eric Clapton at the Hydro tonight. Seems he HAS to book into a hotel and stay over in Glasgow, as the travel would be too difficult otherwise! (I'm going to see 'The Wets' in December - when I suggested staying over he was horrified ! Talk about double standards!).

No 2 had her first skiing lesson tonight. She has a ski trip planned with school next year and needed to practise. A very nice friend of ours teaches and offered to take her along to the dry ski slope after school for a few weeks. Thanks S ! (Sadly S's house was broken into at the weekend and the manky wee beggars stole all her mum's jewellery. That made me FIZZING mad).

No 2 was exhausted and elated after - but still have to go to her gymnastics class.

Geographically busy tonight - since Mr S is away drinking on a cultural exchange. Don't think I could cope being a single mum !

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