Water Garden

Called in at The Victoria Arms on the way home from the hospital for a bite to eat. Usually you can sit by the river & watch the wildlife. Today the river was much closer than normal - in fact it wasn't far from the raised terrace of the Pub where we often sit.

My news is that I will have an op on my left foot in approx 3 months time. Eight weeks after the first op I will have the other foot operated on so I get a matching pair. Hopefully by this time next year I will be over it all and ready to do a bit of travelling.

Its a big step but I need to do it now otherwise I will put it off forever & never go anywhere or do anything and that isn't what retirement is about is it. I will be 60 this year too, so it will be good to get that under my belt  - its just the pain & discomfort in between that bothers me but I'm pretty resilient and as long as my live in nurse is happy for me to do it then its all systems go.

He was a very friendly & helpful surgeon who spotted my problems pretty quickly, in fact the Radiologist was surprised that I could walk at all.

A very mild pleasant sort of...almost spring day with a small shower when we got home.

Thanks for all of your support & encouraging comments & stars. They are always welcome...

Hopefully I will catch up with you all later.


Ps The extra is of some Canada Geese enjoying the floodwater

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