Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Business as Usual

Poor Mum, mother's day and here she is, helping Sam do a practice English paper before chauffeuring him back home to us, to be met with cupboard love from the ever hungry hounds. As with my international Women's day tribute to her, she's a rock for us all, but we are all pretty rubbish at letting her know.

Going by the social media mother's day picture frenzy, with cards, gifts galore and breakfasts in bed lovingly prepared by husbands and kids, meals out and family outings, there are a lot of valued mum's out there. I'm a bit jealous as I got an F again on my invisible annual Mum report card. Dave stayed true to his form in recent mother's days and slept till lunchtime; he is of the view that mother's day responsibilities lie entirely with the kids. So consequently, nothing happens.

Tess saved the day though, i think she saw my bedraggled return from a freezy drizzly dog walk and took pity on my staggering levels of simpering simmering mehness. She rustled me up a fine home made card paying homage to some of my more deranged Facebook updates. She even refriended me back on Facebook ...now that is a HUGE gesture for a teenage girl. She accompanied me to pick a gift for mum and give her a mother's day visit and she even played the chvurches and some of my other favourite songs in the car on the way home. I think she might actually rate me c+ afterall. Hoorah!

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