
By sas05

see the sound,,

last day at work for a few yesterday.. 12 hours in the yard shuntin`... by the time 23:00 hours came round think i was crawling around on all fours..ready for this break,, ya better believe it .. shift manager was asking me to stay till midnight,, how many ways could i think of declining this most gracious of goes without saying ill miss work and look forward to returning, say that as im reaching for the lottery slip.. oh please please please.. lol. heard on the radio that they have reached 3000 lottery millionaires.. fickle hand of fate eh... some people contract cancer,, some people win the lottery... scratches head wonders for a brief time.. and shrugs shoulders,, eh... anyway ,, had a bit of a thick head again today ..found THE perfect cure for it .. a drum kit .. picked up my new toy today..ohhhh wow..another thing off the bucket list.. play the drums.. now alls i have to do is learn. all my limbs dont wanna play ball at the mo.. concentrate on doing one thing and lose track of what the other is meant to be doing .. hence it sounds like someone hammering together a shed..its a huge hit with the girls.. they love it.. wonder if they will love their guitars which they got for christmas.. tuff if they dont ,, ya got them ,, ya learning em..,, we already have a teacher in ed..front man of the band "glow in the dark shark".. heard of them ?? ohhhh yeah their really well known ya know.. well ok in a minor way.. bless em.. so a place not to be for the next year or so is our neighbours,, i recommend moving out the county ,, the sound of thunder is more rhythmic than the racket that comes out of this household.. Siobhan is a case.. she has done a very passable impression of AN I MAL off the muppetts,, oh yeah she`ll go far..
meanwhile , at the productive end of the household mummy (ali) has been having her own AN I MAL moment on the computer ,, tears shouting ,, help centers have all failed to impress the computer and ali has resorted to throwing in the towel for today and have another bite of this dog food sandwich tomorrow. te meantime we have renamed this house from the willows to The jackhammer. seems more fitting ..

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