First Light

AHA! Yesterday wasn't my last kayak ride!

I left my boat tied up in my truck, and squeezed 'er into my garage. A tight fit.

I was going to race the sun. Up at 7:05. Shave, brush, breakfast. Out the door at 7:21. Drive, untie, unload. The boat ramp site was eerily quiet. Halloween-ish quiet. I was alone. I looked around for anybody dressed in a stitch-up goalie mask. Mike Meyers I didn't want to see, but Jamie Lee Curtis wouldn't have been bad. In the water at 7:34.

Completely dark...but God's GPS was in the sky. The North Star. Strange that it was the only star in the sky. I paddled in it's direction, with the idea of eventually turning east. After many strokes...I glanced skyward again. "IT WAS A PLANE! THERE WAS NO NORTH STAR!"

The bright orange orb made it's appearance at 8:02, and cleared the trees at 8:23...soon getting too bright to snap. I chose this shot for just the glimpse of the rainbow colors.

After snapping the sunrise...I paddled out to the channel, hoping for a heron. I only saw squirrels. One squirrel, and some more sunrise and swan shots are on my Flickr page.

The ride back was daunting. The expected wind showed up. My kayak is a canoe. The waves lashed against the boat...splashing my shorts-wearing legs. I paddled faster, but it felt like trying to run up a sand dune. One step up...2 steps back.

An old church song entered my I began to sing it. And...I mean sing it...belting it out in my best Pavarotti impression. The song is titled Peace, Be Still.

(Beginning softly)...whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea...or demons or men or whatever it be...(stronger)...No Water Can Swallow The Ship Where Lies...(FORTISSIMO!! FORTISSIMO!!)...THE MASTER OF OCEANS AND EARTH AND SKIES!!!! WHEWWW!!!

I thought for sure that I would scare off the swans with my fake tenor voice, but they let me approach them. To end up a rough ride...I thought I heard the young swan ask..."Dad...can I attack my first human...can I...can I...PLEASE!!!"

Unlike the wind...Daddy swan had mercy on me.

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