Lighthouse Family

Raining this morning, and seemed to rain for most of the day.  It's finally stopped now at night.

A day working on the museum desk.  First thing there was a meeting in the auditorium, and then we had a talk on war medals in the afternoon.  A steady day of visitors.  Niece Elise came by my work after school, and came over for tea.  The night has been spent with family, and aunt Carol is still home from Australia. 

Mam, dad, aunt Carol and uncle Mark have all been staying at the Eshaness lighthouse for the past few days, so me and Elise headed up tonight, and also sister Julie came down from Unst with her lasses.  A great night of laughs, fun and yarns.  I'm driving home, so no wine for me, but they were all enjoying themselves.  Back row - Aunt Carol, Uncle Mark and me.  Front L-R - Elise, mam Pat, Anna, dad Peter, Julie and Lottie.  Taken in the Eshaness lighthouse. 

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