Out out

Sometimes, if I'm cooped up for too long in the house, I behave a bit like a caged animal: pacing up and down and figuring out how I can get outside and when spring is actually going to arrive.

Today was the perfect antidote to that!

Up early to cycle to Radio Shropshire for a brief interview and then back again, delighting in the perfect skies and the views of the hills. Then straight back out to complete my final long training run...20 miles. Honestly, there is not much of Shrewsbury town that I haven't run past today. It felt surprisingly ok apart from the last 5km which took it out of me a bit. Inhaled some scrambled eggs and then straight out into the garden to waterproof the shed. It now looks more like Donald Trump with a horrifically bad spray tan, but at least it's waterproof. Considering it's a north facing garden, there was a nice little bit of sun. Let the garden planning commence!

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