Three steps forward...

I need to be careful that I don't sound ungrateful here....

So, twelve weeks into the year and I'm on my tenth book. That's not bad going, is it? I feared the project - a book a week - might fail through lack of effort but so far the main problem has been books that weren't very compelling reads. 

But for my birthday I think I've received four books, in total, with these two arriving today. It feels a bit like three steps forward, one step back BUT I'M NOT UNGRATEFUL! Quite the reverse. 

Although, actually, neither of these is the kind of book I've included for the book a week, so the 'Ask The Past' can go next to the loo, I think, and 'The Poetry Pharmacy' can go next to my bed as something to start my day.

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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