Boiled egg

I first decided to follow the Atkin's diet after reading William Leith's wonderful book, 'The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict', back in 2009. It's a great diet for losing weight but I found it difficult to sustain for 'maintenance' once I didn't want to lose any more. 

At Ash's whisky evening a couple of weeks ago, one the chaps there talked about how he'd tried Atkins and how odd it was to find oneself suddenly not even really thinking about food. This is the phenomenon that Leith described in his book and it was my own experience, too. 

I have put on a few kilos recently, which I think is partly down to the weights I've been doing, but also as a result of what seems to have been a long run of social occasions. Consequently, I've decided to get back on the Atkins for a bit and, as I was working from home today, I started with boiled eggs for breakfast.

-10.0 kgs
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie

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