Life In Wales

By KarenC

Pink or Blue?

Today's the day my daughter and son-in-law hope to find out the sex of their baby. She's 21 weeks today and has her scan at 8.30am.

I feel very excited but also nervous at the same time, as it's a very indepth scan which checks that all the organs and brain are developing normally. They don't mind whether it's a boy or a girl, but they are desparate to know either way so they can start planning. So fingers crossed it reveals itself!

We're heading to England tomorrow for a week and can't wait to see them and the growing bump, and I'm looking forward to a girly shopping day in Manchester next week for baby things :-)

After work tonight we're driving to Calais and staying there overnight as we have a train booked at 7.30am in the morning, so I'll blip from the 'other side' on Saturday!

As I was about to publish this I received a text from Rachel to say she's in the waiting room and feeling very nervous! Good luck to them both, I hope everything goes well.

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