Not the day I expected

I woke up early as I was off to Buxton to meet Elspeth and Elaine. I bought the train ticket on line, downloaded it and wondered why I couldn't activate it, I'd bought a ticket for Tuesday!!!!! I had put in today so never realised the ticket was for tomorrow. No idea what was happening so did a bit of searching to find there was a train strike!!! So no train! Oh well I thought I'd drive. Looked for the best route and decided to leave a bit earlier. I put Buxton in the sat nav and then looked at my phone route and saw the motorway was coloured red, which means queues. All the way down to the m62. I looked at the travel news there were 2 incidents of broken down cars one closing 1 lane another closing 2 lanes and a delay of 1 hour!!!! Thwarted. I texted them both and cancelled my trip. It's one of those days.
I decided to go a walk along the canal, I haven't been for a while. I walked all the way to Appley Bridge. Saw this float and noticed a tractor had used it to cross the canal. They are also used for transporting livestock to fields over the canal. I was ready for a drink and a comfort break as I'd walked quite a way and remembered a new cafe had opened by the post office so looked forward to getting there for a nice lunch. Blow me the cafe is closed on a Monday!!! I I trudged up hill and reached home eventually. I'd walked over 5 miles.
I made lunch and had a lovely read in the conservatory then fell asleep.
A final burst of energy and I painted a couple more fence panels, making the most of a lovely sunny day. It's going to rain for the rest of the week.
I applied for a refund on my ticket which cost £11.80 I got £1.56!!!!! I have emailed them!

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