Golden Glow

It's been another very wet day, so I didn't even go out at lunch time today, yet this afternoon it cleared like yesterday so I was hopeful of another sunset, but then it went very dark and rained, but cleared up again - crazy weather!

I had a night out planned with Anne to celebrate her birthday which was last week, and in fact the same day as Violet's, and Alan goes to his shooting club on a Wednesday so I asked if he'd drop me off and pick me up again.  

He dropped me off in Hove on the coast road so that I could go and take some photos, but the sun started to drop behind a cloud.  I liked the way it was reflecting on these beach huts but no sooner as I'd taken this shot, it had disappeared.

I then went to meet Anne and we had a drink at Divino Wine Bar and then went for a Thai meal which was very nice, and it was great to catch up and celebrate even if it was a little belated.

Alan sent me a text when he was on his way, so we went outside and waited on the corner of the road - while we were stood there a sports car flew past us at a ridiculous speed, and we both stopped to look at it and commented on how fast he was driving.  Alan had also seen him at the set of traffic lights at the junction before where we were waiting, and said he 'floored it'.  We're home now and I've just read online that the same car crashed into an Estate Agent's office shortly after passing us!

It makes my blood boil and I hope to god that no-one has been injured and I equally hope that the driver is arrested.  I want to call the police to tell them that I saw him driving way to fast, but it's late now and I have to be up very early in the morning as I'm on the early shift.  So I will call, but it will have to wait until tomorrow

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