Canaston Woods. Pembrokeshire. Wales.

We are currently on holiday with the family. Our son and his wife, and our 3 grandchildren aged 6, 5 and 2 years old. Needless to say it is very full on with so much constant energy running at capacity! 
    However, I have very much enjoyed talking to Sammy, at 6yrs old, about the various birdsongs we could hear in these woods. The chiff chaff back again after leaving our shores over the winter, the nuthatch, wren and chaffinches not to be outdone by the greenfinches, and robins. So many more! There has been so much rain over this Eastertime that  the woods were dripping with damp. I do confess to loving the smell of last year's leaves which are decaying underfoot to a kind of almost sweet mouldiness alongside the winding paths by the stream in full flow. A wet tangle of brambles, scrub, mosses, twigs, and tumbled down old trees left to be covered in lichen, ferns and creeping ivy. The children, dressed in wet weather gear, wading in the mud and stomping through the puddles until we reached Camp Smokey, where they and their parents toasted marshallows over an open fire pit, which had a safety grill, whilst we all had hot chocolate to drink.  The scent of woodsmoke curling up with the blue haze through the trees. Simple pleasures which leave lasting memories. 

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