As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Save Me - Muse

I woke up and spent the morning watching The Office and Revolution. 11:30 bus at the school for Conferences. My legs have been hurting all week and I knew I wasn't going to have a good race. I ran 18:20 and came in 4th for the team. Wesley ran amazingly well, so go Wes! Everyone else ran pretty well, but there were a few scary moments for some of the girls today. Thankfully, everyone is a-ok. I was just happy to leave the park after that race. I just feel like everything that could have gone wrong did. I'm also unusually worried about this hurricane (Sandy) headed for us. I just need to calm down and move on.

I spent the rest of the day sitting at home trying to do APUSH but failing miserably. Maybe school will be cancelled Monday and I'll be able to do it when the power is out. Expect either a lack of blips for a little bit come Monday or just crappy substitute blips that will be altered later so everyone (who am I kidding, no one reads this) can see what's up on storm-hit Long Island.

This is a strange yet completely normal occurrence on the boy's team. This picture makes me love Rocket even more.

Word of the Day: Teratoid - Resembling a monster

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