As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Two Races, One Morning

Aly picked me up this morning to run the John Theissen Children's Foundation Freaky 5k. I came in 11th overall, and 2nd in my age division with a time of 18:02. Aly came in 3rd for her age division and John came in 5th. After getting our medals, Aly, John, and I rushed to Massapequa for another race. Frazer had asked us to run the Hagedorn Little Village Run this morning. We got there a little after the race started so we ran from the car to check in, to the starting line, and then we ran the whole race. In all, we probably ran about 7 and a half miles today. I tutored for an hour today and then spent the rest of the day trying to do APUSH and charging everything before we lose power.

Oh and school is cancelled for tomorrow.

Word of the Day: Cantrip - Chiefly Scot. A magic spell; trick by sorcery

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