Life In Wales

By KarenC

Grey Day!

Alan arrived safely in Singapore at about 7am our time, and I spoke to him on my way to work.  He'd managed to sleep on the plane, having made his bed once the seat belt signs went off, and slept until about 40 minutes before they were due to land.  The time difference is weird though as at 4pm our time he messaged me to say he was going to sleep and it's now 9.30pm which is 4.30am in Singapore and he's already awake - he's going to have a long day ahead of him!

The weather has been miserable here, it's been grey and slightly foggy all day, but I went out for a walk at lunch time.  I went down on the beach near the West Pier and saw that the i360 pod was at the top of the tower, almost in the fog.  I can't imagine they had a very good view!

I've done nothing tonight, I'm in control of the TV for once, so having a night of catch up.  I think I've also caught up on your journals too!

Anyway, I've currently got both Alan and Rachel messaging me, so I'll go and chat.  Bye for now.

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