TT150 - Never seen that before
Thank you for all the lovely comments and wishes on the last two days blips; I'm sure a couple of beautiful ladies are smiling somewhere.
If Jane Austen were alive in the 21st century, and happened to be a forty-something year old bloke living in Cumbria then she might well have penned the immortal line "it's a truth universally acknowledged that one DIY job always becomes several DIY jobs"....utility room and Wc now repainted as I could tell where the new paint had gone over the cracks I plastered. Washing machine now also on little industrial rubber feet....
So Tiny Tuesday - I give you something that you may never have seen before - looking back on my journal I seem to blip them each year, probably because they are simply so beautiful.
Larch Roses - the female flowering part* of the wonderful Larix Ducidua, my favourite tree, one of natures true masterpieces. These tiny flowers are little more than a centimetre (2/5th of an inch) high and emerge on the sunlit sides of trees that can soar to 50m (lots of feet....) and live for a thousand years. And just to prove they totally rock - they're a deciduous coniferous tree!
* After wind induced pollination (the male flowers point down and are typically yellow and hold the anthers) the flower turns into a seed bearing cone.
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