
This morning I spoke to a group of 40 or so about the children’s hearings system and the role of CHS. I emphasised the complexities of the system and highlighted the tremendous work our volunteers do - both as panel members and in the volunteer management structure- to make sure that vulnerable children get the best experience and decisions.

Lots of questions and discussions - as one member said they were very engaged,

Back over the Cairn o’Mount after a bowl of carrot, orange and ginger soup. No view today as the mist was down and as I headed south to my next meeting the rain came down steadily.

Today’s blip is of the interior of the War Memorial Hall in Aboyne where I gave the talk. It is also known as the victory hall. It marks not only those from the area who fell in the First World War, but also the names of those who served.

The timber framed ceiling on both sides was “decorated” with antlers and heads. Signs of a different time.

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