As Time Goes By... hair gets darker, it would seem!! Clearly a cheat blip as these pics are all 10 years old...but I found them on a really old SD card & they brought me a lot of joy.
Today's been a tough day, needed some loveliness in my day, hence the blip of old pics!
A sad time this morning with a very upset Maya, sleeping rough in the downpour...we saw her in the morning, she has hardly any clothes, she was tearful, cold, wet, clutching her clothes around her thin body. I spent quite a while today looking for her to give her my jeans as she's not got trousers, but not found her yet... sheltering from the stormy weather no doubt. I'll look again tomorrow.
Nate bumped his head two times today and now has a dramatic looking forehead.
My friend was 2 hours late for a play date.
Asha knocked over a huge pot noodles display in the supermarket (a You've Been Framed moment).
Nate spent much of the day crying.
Etc etc etc...


I made a tasty asparagus soup for dinner.
I've had a brilliant evening talking with Susanna.
I saw Rich in Nude.
I saw Chele from Sa Penya.
I saw Frederico from the ice cream shop.
Asha and Nate both went to bed in happy moods.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Grateful lists getting my perspective back when I get a bit droopy.
2) Maya.
3) Danny hanging out with Pampo tonight.

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