The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Clumber Park

I know the clocks went back but my brain and body didn't! Despite my best intentions, my eyes were open at 5am and my brain clicked in to gear. So I got up, took the dogs out and enjoyed sunrise...cold, crisp and fresh, perfect. After breakfast I drove to Crossfit in Nottingham and had my body fat measurements done...down just over 9% in fourteen weeks, taking me to 15.3% body fat. I'm chuffed. Actually, I was practically dancing! He also went through my dead lift technique which really helped - I'm all set for the new training phase that starts tomorrow.

I drove up to Clumber Park and met Claire. Lottie and Pippa hared around Clumber with her dog-sit dog, another Pippa...Rags stayed in bed, he said his hips weren't up to the exercise. We walked for over two hours and then had coffee before I came home to eat and walk the wee fella. I've tidied, made granola, done washing, completed visa application forms and prepped food for tomorrow. Now time to feed the troops, then me, and head for an early bed. I'm training and going in to school tomorrow as I'm photographing a colleague for my photography course - lots of playing around with lights and things. Should be fun!

Glad you got home safely, though frustrating that on the first day apart your internet doesn't work. I hope it is back to full strength tomorrow, I'll try and catch you...must remember we are six hours apart and not five!

Enjoy your first day back at work.x

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