The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bloody light and shadows

Ah, crap, using light is hard. No, impossible. I took a couple of hundred shots and they are all rubbish...cos Mike wears glasses and I hadn't noticed the reflection on his face! Schoolgirl error!!! We sodded about using the drama studio lighting, reflectors, lamps and stuff. It was great fun, especially when we got the toy cars out and lay on the floor mucking about and photographing them - boy did we laugh! But this was about the only shot I could rescue...very disappointing.

I think I am about to get the dreaded, "end of term and start of holiday" illness. Headache, sore neck and throat, feel tired and has gradually got worse as the day progressed. Not impressed. Have had my citrus fruit intake, as you suggested, and am about to eat salmon for tea and hit the duvet. I hope to goodness it goes away and doesn't give me the lurgy...I don't want to spend the rest of my holiday ill and in bed!

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