Morewellham Quay

After another run, this morning, and a bit of work, and, crucially, once the kids were up, we drove out to visit Morwellham**, which is the site of an old, Victorian river port that has been renovated into a visitor attraction.

If you look on a map, you'll see it really is a long way upstream on the river Tamar and at the attraction you can see the remains of docks and the infrastructure for managing the cargo. In the background of the photo you can see the struts that once supported an elevated rail system.

The whole set up has been done really well. We enjoyed lunch at the pub, had a wander around, and even sat in on a session in the old school house, which was really interesting. 

And in the evening we had our first family game of 'Make Some Ladders', which the Minx, Dom, and I came up with over a glass of wine, recently. It's very much at the prototype stage but it was good fun.

*Dan being the primary culprit

**My instinct was to pronounce this Morwell'm but the voiceovers all put the emphasis on the last syllable in quite an American fashion

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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