
The crap bags are blossoming.
There are loads and increasing daily.
If you are not going to get rid of it properly - leave it for nature to take its course ...... and teach your dog to go into the undergrowth.

There was dew on the grass this morning, sunlight giving some warmth and new growth on the bracken by the river.
The blossom (not sure what kind) is beginning to look good to. I am not sure if I prefer it with or without the backlights in the frame.

I had the long lens on the big camera so when I spotted a squirrel without it spotting me (too busy digging up nuts) I was able to get some shots .... until he spotted PD and headed up the tree to eat his retrieved nut.

Since it was nice and dry I was able to dismantle the outside light to see if I could find the reason for it not working. 
I failed......... so it looks like I will be buying a new one.
I also put up the rain canopy over the front door. A nice simple job of drilling 4 holes and bolting it in place - after all, the height difference between the mounting holes related to brick height including mortar.
Just a shame some pillock couldn't lay the bricks on an even thickness of mortar so there is a bit of a 'slope' on the layers of brick in the area I was working with. There is also a very tin metal lintel which was wider than expected and right acrossthe point I was looking to drill a mounting hole. So the canopy is one brick higher than I would have liked.

On the lunchtime walk the sun had disappeared, the breeze picked up and the temperature dropped - there was also nothing of interest to photograph.

The council turned up and repaired the neighbour's garden after having dug it up during the snow (whilst not actually clearing the road of snow!) 
It was quite funny watching their faces when they realised that it was much bigger than they expected ........ and deeper - and they hadn't actually brought any topsoil. I didn't see how they managed to fill the hole, but the grass is level ..........and two completely different kinds of grass!
I wouldn't be happy but the woman seems to be.

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