The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Messing about with light...

Gave in to my body and let it sleep until 6am this morning. Had a leisurely walk with the hounds, ate some food and then headed to the gym. I had an intervals sessions but didn't want to run as my body felt a bit weak - did them on the rowing machine and didn't feel like I quite got to the normal point of being 'knackered' but at least I did them and worked some different muscle groups - my gluts were screaming by the end, if I keep this up I'll have an ass of steel! Ate my yoghurt and granola in the car and then drove to Meadowhall Meadowhell to suit shop. Found the funkiest grey blazer and trousers, way too cool for school! I can't wait to show it off, the kids will think I've been on funky pills! Got home about 3pm to FT you - nice to be able to catch up again and see you settled in the apartment. Your idea of using the lighbulb for assignment four was genius - hence this blip! I had right fun messing about with it in the sunroom! I'm not sure I can actually get the eight desired shots for my assignment but at least I'm having fun!

This evening I had salmon and veggies...mmm...then went to the Parish Council meeting. Got told off by Maurice for talking - he asked us to look at new electoral boundaries and then got arsie when we talked about it! God help me! Anyway, I said hello to Madeleine and Katherine for you!

Came home and played with Pippa in the sunroom - we danced to the new 'Fun' single and she thought it was great sport! Lottie watched - bemused! Rags snored! Tomorrow I have the PJ shoot in the morning - should be interesting!!! ;0)

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