First Pumpkin

I think I have to call this a pumpkin instead of a jack-o-lantern...because I'm not going to light it up.

I started the morning with a honey-do list...and I hate those lists. Strip the wallpaper...take off the baseboard...put in the roast...put in the carrots. Blah...blah...blah.

After getting covered in blue DIF, the wallpaper remover...I decided to have some fun. I looked back at my list. HAVE SOME FUN WAS NOT ON IT! What could she do? She was at work.

I got a nice picture of Curious George...just in case you don't know who this is. His picture is in the lower right. What a nice model. Just waited patiently on the table while I carved his face onto the gourd.

I thought it turned out just OK. I get tired, and start cutting corners. is unnerving work. One false move, and you take out an eyeball, or lop off an ear.

In George's words..."Eee-ee...Ouu-ouuu...Ee-ouuu-ahhhhh. Translation? "I'm honored...just be a small part of your holiday. So polite.

Enough fun. Back to work. "Where's my list? Oh no...I lost my list!!" I hope the dog ate it.

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