Soon forgotten

Until the sixties, our group of islands were not connected by causeways and everyone relied on the fords. Wait for low tide and walk or hitch a ride  - but it was four kilometres from North Uist to Benbecula - or wait for high tide and a boat. Either way one could expect to get wet.
For the walkers or riders, the path through various reefs was cleared and this is what remains of one of those cleared routes. Covered twice a day for fifty years and hardly ever used as a route,I was surprised  how much remains.
Now in the car less than five minutes sees you across.
A couple of years ago, I asked an old timer local crofter what had been the biggest change in his lifetime, expecting the causeways, running water, electricity or the like but was surprised to get the answer "Tractors - you just take the key out at the end of the day..."

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