
Less wind, but still that chill.  There's been a few clouds, but mostly sunny all day, and warm in the sun.  Cloudy tonight, and a light shower. 

A day working in the museum office, and feels like it's been forever since I was last at my desk.  Plenty to try and catch up with, and the back log of photo scanning has built up.  Met up with mam at lunchtime, and also had an extra hour TOIL to take.  Niece Elise came by after tea, and been helping out in the garden.  Ran her home, quick cuppa, and then off to work in the pub later. 

With my extra hour lunch, I rushed down the road to get a puffin photo, but no joy, they were all out feeding.  The maalies (fulmar) were very playful today, and were enjoying showing off their moves in front of my camera.  Puffins take away a lot of other birds glory, but the maalie has to be bottom of the list.  They spew if you come too close, and not rated high with most Shetlanders.  They got my attention today :)  Taken at Sumburgh Head.  

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