Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Bologna Day Six

Steps:11,099 7.8km!

Went to Modena today. About €3 each way for a 20 minute trip. Which begs the question - why did our 40 minute trip from Milan the other night cost us €100 (each). Mind you, we did have a private wood-lined cabin with adjustable seats, and snacks and coffee (no milk) served.

Modena is just gorgeous - the colours! It's much quieter than Bologna, with tree lined streets for shade, and porticoes in town. What an amazing Ducal Palace it has, though now used by the military (its not curved- that’s my pano effect). And a very beautiful cathedral, though they were doing lots of building work inside.

I had a couple of good coffees - I’ve at last discovered what to ask for - 'Americano con latte caldo'.

We were strolling around, and I noticed a lovely plate of salad being served to a customer. We walked past her and yes - there were lots of green leaves, olives, tomatoes and sweetcorn, with the lovely wee round breads they serve. We have seen SO much meat being served. We're not vegetarians, but a plateful of just different cold meats does not appeal. JR had some ham with her salad, and yes, it was nice.

She also did well shopping. There were lots and lots of wee interesting shops. In fact, she'd bought the most lovely wee leather bag while I supped my first coffee!

We got the train back to Bologna about 5pm - rush hour, of course. Crowds! We were glad to get back, and celebrated by getting a taxi home. I was stuffed.

We've just had a bit of a rest, and might pop out for a last look around Bologna, a fabulous city.

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